Monday, February 2, 2015


*Conversation between you and your heart while on deathbed*

Heart: Well! I am beating for the last 72 times now.

You: Hmmm (tears in your eyes)

Heart: You know, you should had quit your job that day. You always wanted to become an entrepreneur. It was your dream. I was telling you. You even had felt me wanting to get to you. But you doubted.

You: But Mr. Smith advised me to......

Heart: (angrily) Look around! Do you see Mr. Smith? Do you see ANY people whom you always chose over ME?

You: (crying out loud) No!! I am sorry!!! I should had trusted you. I wasted my life doing the things I never loved.

Heart: If you would had listened to me, you would had been an entrepreneur today. You would had given millions of dollars towards education of poor kids which you always wanted to do.

You: (still crying) You are right. I am sorry!!! I could had changed so many lives. Give me one chance pleaseeeee. Only one chance!! I know I have the potential to do it still. I beg!! Pleaseee!!

Heart: I was with you every second of your life. Right from your mother's womb till now. 'I' knew how much potential you had!! Because I was the one who was INSIDE you. Who would had known you better than me?? I can't shout like other people. I speak very subtly. But every time you DID hear what I used to tell and then ignore me because you wanted to be good to EVERYONE ELSE. You obeyed them. You believed them who told shit about what you can do and cannot!!

You: (crying and shouting..frustrated at yourself)

Heart: You could had been so much more. You could had achieved such great heights.

You: I promise I will do it!! I won't fuckin care about anyone. I swear!!! But pleaseeeee give me ONE chance. Pleaseeeeeeeeeee!!! (screaming like mad)

Heart: (whispering) Its over. You had one chance and you wasted it dear. Sorry!!

You: No noooooooo......


Source: Internet.

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