Saturday, September 26, 2015

Some thing nice...

Never cancel a dinner plan by text.
If a street performer makes you stop walking, you owe them a buck.
Never change the sports club(s) you support.
You get only one chance to notice a new haircut.
When entrusted with a secret, keep it.
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
If you are staying more than one night, unpack.
Never park in front of a bar.
Expect the seat in front of you to recline, adjust accordingly.
Never lie to your Doctor.
All guns are loaded (take this both literally and metaphorically)
The best way to show thanks is to wear it.
Take a vacation from your cell-phone, TV and internet once in a while.
A handshake beats an autograph (and a selfie too :P)
If you want to know what makes you unique, sit for a caricature.
Never get a haircut or shave on the special day.
Never eat lunch at your desk, if you can avoid it.
It's never to late for an apology.
Don't pose with booze, its unbecoming.
You don't get to chose your nickname.
When you marry someone, you marry their entire family.
Under no circumstances you should ask a lady if she is pregnant/virgin. (Unless it is bound by privilege)
No one ever said that a speech was short.
Invest in great luggage.
Make time for your mother on her birthday, its her special day too.
Sympathy is a crutch, don't fake a limp.
Give credit, take blame.
Suck it up every now and then.
Don't ogle.
Stand up to the bullies, you have to do it only once.
If you have made your point, stop talking.
Admit it when you are wrong.
If you offer to help, don't quit until the job is done.
Look people in the eye when you thank them.
Thank the bus driver, waiter, trash picker, laundry guy etc.
Never answer phone calls at dinner table.
Know at least one good joke.
Know how to cook.
It's ok to go to the movies by yourself.
Dance with your mother/father.
Always thank the host.
If you don't understand, ask before its too late. (A class in its dieing minutes is exempted)
Know the size of your girlfriend/boyfriend's clothes.
Be a good listener, don't just wait for your turn to talk.
Always, carry your mother's bags.
Be patient with airport security, they are just doing their job.
Don't be a talker at the movies.
The opposite sex likes people who shower and smell good.
Learn to change the tire.
Be kind and courteous to everyone.
An hour with grandparents is a  time well spent.
Don't litter.
Never make a professional call between 9pm and 9am.
Take care of the small things and the big things will take care of themselves.
You are never too old to need your mom.
Know the words of the national anthem and important political position holders of your country.
Your dance moves may not be the best, but making a fool out of yourself is much more fun than sitting on the bench.
Smile at strangers. (don't over do it, you may creep people out)
If you HAVE to fight, punch first and punch hard.
You can chose what to do and what not to, the consequences of it, not so much in your hand.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Some random questions to ask someone you just met......

1.       Are dogs carnivores?
2.       Are my eyes pretty?
3.       Are you an alcoholic?
4.       Are you curious as to what human flesh taste like?
5.       Do tigers have knees?
6.       Do you believe in miracles?
7.       Do you know about macular degeneration?
8.       Do you know all there is to know about love?
9.       Do you like Audrey Hepburn movies?
10.   Do you like chocolate?
11.   Do you like eggs?
12.   Do you like ice cream?
13.   Do you like to write?
14.   Have you ever been attracted to your mother or father?
15.   How have things been changing in your home town?
16.   How many gallons of water do you waste when you shower?
17.   How many people would you invite to a party?
18.   How often do you answer random questions?
19.   If things were going well, how would you know?
20.   Is a tomato a fruit or vegetable?
21.   Is it normal to have a 7 inch penis?
22.   Is it true?
23.   What are your thoughts on libertarianism?
24.   What color are your eyes?
25.   What color is your skin?
26.   What colour are you thinking of?
27.   What do you do for a living?
28.   What do you get when you fall in love?
29.   What do you think about black people?
30.   What does God have to do with it?
31.   What ethnicity do you identify with?
32.   What is the last app you downloaded?
33.   What is wrong with the world today?
34.   What song would you like to sing right now?
35.   What time do you go to bed?
36.   What time is it?
37.   What would you have done differently?
38.   When is the best time?
39.   Where are you looking for answers?
40.   Where did you last go when you travelled?
41.   Which clothing would you prefer?
42.   Which product do you recommend?
43.   Who are you?
44.   Who are you?
45.   Who was jimmy carter?
46.   Why do you think the answer is lost?
47.   Why does nobody ever answer this question?
48.   Will you remember any of these questions later on?
49.   Would you have answered me if I hadn't asked?
50.   Would you live in Russia?
51.   Are you afraid of flying?
52.   Do you have any heroes? Who are they?
53.   Do you have any pets?
54.   Have you ever stolen anything?
55.   If you had a chance to spend two weeks camping in the desert by yourself, far from any civilization, would that sound fantastic or awful to you? What about if there were one other person with you? 
56.   If you had the courage to do anything you wanted, would it change the choices you make?
57.   Marriage equality, for or against?
58.   Men are pursuers; women are gatekeepers. True or false?
59.   Monogamy, yes or no?
60.   Orgy, yes or no?
61.   Parasites, horrifying or fascinating?
62.   What are you passionate about?
63.   What do you think happens to you after you die?
64.   What is a book that changed you, and how did it change you?
65.   What is the most amazing, awe-inspiring thing you've seen this week?
66.   What scares you?
67.   What would you not do for a hundred thousand dollars? A million? Ten million?
68.   What's the most amazing place you've ever traveled to?
69.   What's the most amazing sexual experience you've ever had?
70.   When was the first time your heart was broken, and how did it change you?
71.   Who do you love?
72.   Who in your life was the most influential in leading you to become the person you are today?
73.   You come home one day and your living room is filled from floor to ceiling with avocados. What do you do?
74.   You look down and see a tortoise. It's crawling toward you. You reach down and flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over. But it can't. Not without your help. But you're not helping. Why are you not helping?
75.   You wake up tomorrow in the body of the opposite sex. What do you do?

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Put a frog in a vessel of water and start heating the water.
As the temperature of the water rises, the frog is able to adjust its body temperature accordingly.
The frog keeps on adjusting with increase in temperature...
Just when the water is about to reach boiling point, the frog is not able to adjust anymore...
At that point the frog decides to jump out...
The frog tries to jump but is unable to do so, because it has lost all its strength in adjusting with the rising water t
What killed the frog?
Many of us would say the boiling water...
But the truth is what killed the frog was its own inability to decide when it had to jump out.
We all need to adjust with people and situations, but we need to be sure when we need to adjust and when we need to confront/face.
There are times when we need to face the situation and take the appropriate action...
If we allow people to exploit us physically, mentally, emotionally or financially, they will continue to do so...
We have to decide when to jump.
Let us jump while we still have the strength.

I love you...............

I Love You

No you don't. How can you? Look at me. I am a mess. I don't work. No clear goal in life. I procrastinate. Need I say more?

Why are you always so hard on yourself? And please stop complaining every time?

Why do you care?

I care because you are a hell of a guy. I love you. Don't you remember you worked your ass off till last year. Now since you have taken a break no need to feel bad about it.

But my friends and relatives do not understand that. I am sure they feel I have gone mad. Some have even given a hint that they think so.

Since when do you care? Everyone has their own speed. I am sure you will catch up. You are crawling now. Soon you will walk. I am sure you will run like anything soon before you even realise.

I guess you are right. You are my best friend. Thank you for understanding. What would I do without you?

Well I have to. I love you. More than anyone. More than anything.

And I love you too.

****A conversation I had with mirror in front of me****

Skill to love your own self. Unconditionally.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

One of the Short love story.....

She : I had a dream about us.
Me: Really. Wow. What was it about?
She: That's weird , We were dancing on a romantic track.
Me: Wow, I bet it was Salsa.
She: I don't know much about dance forms,But it was a slow romantic track and we were moving.
Me: Go ahead!
She: When we were dancing ,you lifted me up and when you were bringing me down ,you ...
Me: Did I drop you? Duh..I suck in dreams too.
She: No ,You can never do that , even in the dreams.
Me: Wow , Then?
She: When you were bringing me down and I was about to slip ,you held me tightly.
And suddenly you whispered something in my ears.
Me: Wow..What was that. I wish I could visualize the same.
She: See. Don't freak out. It was a dream and anything is possible in the dreams.
Me: I won't. Promise.
She: You whispered 'I love you'. I looked in your eyes for a while.
Me : ... then?
She:I held you tightly and said: "Why are you saying this now?It's a day before my marriage."
Me: That is a beautiful dream. I don't have words.
She: Yes. Then I hugged you tightly with my head against your chest and we continued to dance.

And then my best friend got married after few days...
and I realized on the day of her marriage how deeply I felt for her and this is not going to be the same .
As they say 'You only know you love her when you let her go.'

Source:-- Internet (someone's Heart..........)

Monday, February 23, 2015

The boy and the Starfish

A man was walking along a deserted beach at sunset. As he walked he could see a young boy in the distance, as he drew nearer he noticed that the boy kept bending down, picking something up and throwing it into the water.
Time and again he kept hurling things into the ocean.
As the man approached even closer, he was able to see that the boy was picking up starfish that had been washed up on the beach and, one at a time he was throwing them back into the water.
The man asked the boy what he was doing, the boy replied,"I am throwing these washed up starfish back into the ocean, or else they will die through lack of oxygen. "But", said the man, "You can't possibly save them all, there are thousands on this beach, and this must be happening on hundreds of beaches along the coast. You can't possibly make a difference."

The boy looked down, frowning for a moment; then bent down to pick up another starfish, smiling as he threw it back into the sea. He replied,

"I made a huge difference to that one!"

Friday, February 20, 2015

An ego is a Great servant but a bad Master..............

Once there lived a big poisonous snake in a field near a village. It used to bite anybody who dared enter the field and so nobody went there.
One day a Saint came to the village. Villagers told him not to go to the field where the snake lived. But since the detour would cost him a lot of time the Saint decided to go through the field anyway. Soon the snake approached him with the intention to bite, but as he neared he was overpowered by the spiritual energy of the Saint. When the Saint saw him he advised the snake not to bite anybody and the snake agreed.

After a few months the Saint was on his way back and he decided to check on the snake. When he found him he was shocked to see his state. He was all beaten up and nearly dead. Since the snake had stopped biting, the village boys had thrown stones at it and nearly killed him.
The Saint told the snake, “Look, I told you not to bite, but who told you not to hiss?”
The moral of the story for us is that as we progress into our spiritual journey we will find that our ego shrinks. But let us never forget that we are surrounded by egos and though we should give up biting let us not stop hissing. The ego is a great servant but a bad master. As we grow out of our ego we should learn to use it as a tool without allowing it to control our lives.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Stroy about presence of mind : Boy & Shopkeeper

I live in a small town. This was the time when I was in class 3. My brother and I used to go to school by walk. On the way between my school and home, there used to be a mela every Thursday.
We used to visit the mela and we tried to see every shop.
On one such visit , I went to a toy shop with my brother ,
I didn't have much money to buy anything but pretended as if I had.
I started checking each toy.
After 5 minute , I made a face as if I didn't like any toy.
I started walking away from shop when the shopkeeper called me and started speaking to me:
Shopkeeper,"You have seen my toys , you have to pay ".
Me,"but I haven't taken your toy ".
Shopkeeper, You have touched my toys and you have also wasted our time. I will not let you go unless you pay".
My brother was about to cry and I was imaging how my mother was going to react.

I don't know how but suddenly an idea hit my mind. I found two 25 paise coins(one in my pocket and another in my brother's bag). I took both coins in my hand and I shook my hand so that a jingling sound came from those coins.
Me,"I  saw your toys, you heard the sound of my coins, now we are done ".

I walked away with a feeling of pride and that shopkeeper, well he had a smile on his face.
When i went to home, I told my mother about the incident. She was so happy for me  and for next 2-3 years she told every guest about this incident and how I had used my presence of mind.

Monday, February 16, 2015

"Survive being single", or "Enjoy being single"

For starters,I was in a relationship once. Gotta admit, it was fun. I always knew that I had someone I could fall back upon. Someone to catch me. It's different now. So, basically, either you can "survive being single", or "enjoy being single". I'll do the second one.

    Re-Evaluate Yourself.

    So, what is the one thing people in relationships seem to complain about?
    That's right. Loss of freedom.
    Being single, you have that in spades. So, if you are not capitalizing, not exploiting that freedom, you have no use being single. Now, how do you exploit that freedom? You explore your options. Some people are single because they are impossible to be with. You can't stand them. Find out if that's the case with you. Befriend random strangers, ask out crushes, enjoy your repartee with the hot bartender, thing like that. Make sure that your being single is a choice, and not by force. This realization gives you a tremendous ego and confidence boost. Now you know for a fact, that you are like-able, and you don't brood over being single, because you know you can change it any day, any time.

    Love Yourself.

    No joke, but, being in a relationship can be costly at times. No, no, literally costly, like in financial terms. Even if you each pay your half of the share, you can't just eat at a roadside stall, and save some dough. Being single saves that green. Take yourself out. Rather than 10 dates each costing some money, save that up, and go out some place fancy yourself. Do something you always wanted to do. Buy an expensive drink, shop like a maniac, anything that makes you happy. Personally, I think, a fine meal solves half of the world's problems. Try that.

    Don't Fade Away.

    A phenomena that I notice among single people is a huge disregard to personal hygiene, and appearance. Some might call it being lazy. Fine by me. I am the laziest SOB on the planet. I've been a couch potato for so long, that I think I am growing roots. But, when you go out, at least take a bath, comb your hair, put on something nice. Don't be acting like a hippie just because you don't want to be in a relationship. Trust me, being single, and then being the most unattractive person in the room, doesn't help a lot. You slowly start to grow more and more apathetic towards yourself. Not a good sign. This is how you go into the depression limbo.


    Remember one thing loud and clear - never let go of your friends when in a relationship, because if it doesn't work out for any reason, you'll be left alone, and you just might not want to handle the dual rejection simultaneously. Being single gives you flexibility. You can now volunteer to host a party with your friends, or help them move. Since you don't have prior engagements, and you get the weekend off, help out a friend in need. If you don't have friends, go to the nearest Soup kitchen, or anything of that kind, and volunteer. You were spending your time making someone else happy. Now, you're single, don't change that.

    Self Investment.

    So you say, you don't have hobbies. Cultivate them. Find something that gives you pleasure, and indulge yourself in it. For me, it was writing. I didn't know it when I was in a relationship. After, we broke up, one fine day, I realized, why don't I use all the fancy vocabulary I used with her during chats and write something actually useful. I started with long Facebook statuses, then Facebook notes, and finally I hit the Quora jackpot. It's never too late to learn a new language, or learn how to dance, or play the piano, or work out, or learn to cook. That way, you stop "looking for the right girl/guy", and focus on "being the right guy/girl".


    With no one and nothing to hold you back, it's time to take some risks. You can do something I used to do a lot. What you do is, take some bare minimum cash, (remember bare minimum), and travel to some place you've never been to before. I remember the time, I went over to a nearby village which didn't even have cellphone reception. If possible, stay away from phones. Take a day or two off work, and just go out. You'll be surprised at the number of places you can visit to calm down your soul which aren't too far away. Just buy a bottle of whiskey (or whatever drink you like), a bag of chips or any snacks, and get lost. I asked you to take very little money because that spikes the adventure factor. You try to find your way back while fitting into your stipulated budget. Trust me, it's fun.

    Stop Whining.

    Now, the harsh point. You choose to be single. So, don't bitch and whine about it. There will be lonely nights, awkward afternoons, and single serving dinners, but, remember, you chose your path. There are bigger problems on earth than being or not being in a relationship. Trying learning about them. Read blogs, read the news, and pretty soon, you will actually be afraid of talking to people, leave alone being in a relationship. And don't ever, ever confuse boredom or lust with being lonely. Some people are in a relationship only because they're horny or they're bored. Read a book, or masturbate. Don't waste someone else's time for your amusement.

Guess, that's about it. Have fun.


PS: "This is not My Story, But Story from Internet"

Beautiful game called "CHESS"

The beautiful game called "CHESS"

There is an interesting story about the man, who invented chess coming from Persia and this story is around 800 years old.

Long time ago a king named Shihram ruled over India. He was a despot. Around this time a wise man invented the game of chess to show the king how important everybody is, who lives in his kingdom, even the smallest among them.
The king on the chess board needs his queen, his rooks, bishops, knights and the pawns to survive. This is like in real life. The king should learn this.
Shihram, the king, understood this very well and he liked this game very much and he became a chess player and ordered that this game should be played by everybody in his kingdom.
The king was very thankful, let the wise man come and went with him to his treasures to give him gold and silver or other valuable things.
"You are allowed to choose what you want!" he said to the man who invented chess. "I will give it to you!"
The wise man thought for a while and said to the king. "I don't desire any of your treasures. I have a special wish!" And then he went with the king to a chess board.
"My wish is to get some wheat! Please put one grain of wheat on to the first chess square and two on to the second and keep doubling up the wheat until the last square!"
The king became angry and shouted: "I have offered you all my treasures and you want just wheat? Do you want to offend me?"
"Oh no!" said the wise man. "I don't want to offend you, my king. Please respect my wish and you will see that my wish is truly great."
The king called his servants and ordered to put the wheat on the chess board exactly as the wise man wished. The servants brought a lot of wheat. It soon filled many rooms but they realized that they could not fulfill the wise man's wish.
They went to the king and said: "We are unable to fulfill the wise man's wish."
"Why not?" asked the king angry.
They answered: „All the wheat of your kingdom and all the wheat of other kingdoms is not enough to fulfill this wish."
The king realized that the wise man had given him a lesson again. He learned that you should never underestimate the small things in life.
The chess board has 64 squares and if you put just one grain on the first and double up on the next and so on, you will reach an enormous amount of grain.
1 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
If you work this out you get an incredible amount of grain something like this: 18.446.744.073.709.551.61
5 around 18.446.744 Trillions of wheat grains. The man, who invented chess, whoever he was, has done a great job.

Source: Who Invented Chess Game?

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Top 10 things that we should be informed about in life



#1. Fail early and frequently

Your greatest asset is not your talent, not your ideas, not your experience, but your time. Time allows you to have the opportunity to take big risks and make big mistakes.

When you’re young, you have nothing to lose. Possibilities are you aren’t strapped by all of the financial responsibilities that come with later adulthood like mortgage payments, car payments, tuition fees for your kids etc.

When you have the least amount to lose, take some long-shot risks. Because its the disastrous failures of these years that will set you up for your life successes down the line. They are the best lessons of your life.

#2. Avoid assuming you can attain all of your goals.

You set out to do A, B or C and either you accomplish all of them or you don’t. If you do, you’re GREAT. If you don’t, you fail .

It's agreeable to always have goals and have something to work towards, but attaining all of those goals is beside the point. Life doesn’t actually work that way all the time.

As you grow, you will discover that some of the life goals you set for yourself are not the things you actually wanted, and most of the things are just not important.

The whole point of goals is to get up and to hit some preferred benchmark. The value in any enterprise always comes from the process of failing and trying, not in achieving.

#3. You can't forcibly retain friendship

There are two subdivisions of friends in this life: the kind when you go away for a long time and come back, you feel nothing's changed, and the kind when you go away for a long time and come back, you feel everything’s changed.

You can’t force a friendship with someone. Either it’s there or it’s not.

You can't predict which friends will stick with you and which ones won’t. It’s not that those other people are bad people or bad friends. It’s not their fault. It’s just life.

#4. You will not have any idea what you are doing.

Nobody has any idea what they’re doing in their early life, and that continues further into adulthood. Everyone is just working off of their current best guess.

You may change your jobs, careers, industry at least once in your 20s. You will rarely have any clue what you are doing.

The truth is you will never know what things will happen. You pay attention to opportunities and act on them. Things just happens.

#5. Majority of people essentially want the same things.

From a broad perspective, people around the world are basically the same. Everyone spends most of their time worrying about food, money, their job and their family, even people who are rich and well fed. Everybody is afraid of failure. Everyone loves their friends and family yet also gets the most irritated by them.

Humans are, by and large, the same. It’s just the details that get shuffled around. Roses are not red but the details are. Judge people not by who they are, but by what they do. This world has all kinds of people. Some are gracious people and some are obnoxious people. And you don’t know who you’re dealing with until you spend enough time with a person to see what they do, not what they look like, or where they’re from or what gender they are.

#6. Thinking and doing are two very different things.

Success never comes to look for you while you wait around thinking about it. You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.

Good things don’t come to those who wait; they come to those who work on
meaningful goals. Ask yourself what’s really important and then have the courage to build your life around your answer.

Remember, if you wait until you feel 100% ready to begin, you’ll likely be waiting the rest of your life.

#7. Internet is full of extremes.

Your life will immediately get better when you realize that the information you consume online is greatly influenced by the 10% of each extreme view and that 90% of life actually occurs in the silent middle-ground where most of the population actually lives.

When you read the internet, you will legally start to think that World War 3 is close at hand, that Ebola is the end of the world, that corporations rule the world through some illegal act, that there’s a war on Christmas, that all women are lying (which is fairly accurate), that all poor people are lazy and destroying the government, etc.

It’s important to sometimes withdraw to that quiet 90% and remind yourself that life is simple, people are good, and the deep opening in the earth's surface that appear to separate us are often just cracks.

#8. The world seldom think about you.

No matter what you do, one day it will be forgotten. It will be as if you never existed, even though you did. Nobody will care. Nobody seldom think about you. Nobody cares what you actually say or do with your life.

The good news is you can get away with a lot of stupid things and people will forget and forgive you for it. It simply means that there’s absolutely a reason to be the person that you want to be. The pain of un-blocking yourself will be short and the reward will last a lifetime.

#9. The result of small things matter more than the big things.

Once a interviewer asked Dustin Moskovitz, the co-founder of Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg’s college roommate, what it felt like to be part of Facebook’s “overnight success.” He replied, “If by ‘overnight success’ you mean staying up and coding all night, every night for SIX years straight, then it felt really tiring and stressful.”

We have a natural inclination to assume, things just happen as they are. We tend to only see the result of things and not the difficult process and all of the failures that went into producing the result.

We have this idea that we have to do just this one big thing that is going to completely change the world, top to bottom. We don't realize that those “one big things” are actually composed of hundreds and thousands of daily small things that must be silently and consistently maintained over long periods of time with little outward display.

#10. Your parents are people too.

See your parents not as protectors or uncool authoritarians but as friends, who are doing their best despite often not knowing what they’re doing.

Possibilities are your parents screwed some things up during your
childhood. And you will start to notice all of these screw-ups while you are in your adulthood. It can kick up a lot of bitterness and regret.

Acknowledge, accept, and forgive your parent’s flaws. They’re people too. They’re doing their best, even though they don’t always know what the best is.

Saturday, February 14, 2015



A Man saw a poor young boy looking at his expensive car. He was in a good mood that day and so he offered him a drive. The Boy couldn't believe his luck and joined him.

    Boy: Car is marvelous...its so huge. What's the Cost ?
    Man: I don't know exactly. My friend gifted it.
    Boy: So nice of him!
    Man: I know what you are thinking. You also want to have a friend like him right?
    Boy: No, I want to be that friend..!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

A girl with no ticket.....

A girl was hiding under a train' first class compartment' berth when TC caught her. Her clothes were torn from some places, eyes red and swollen portraying her weeping and sleepless night.

TC - Where is your ticket?

She - (crying) I don't have it.

TC - (trying to force her out of the compartment) then get out of here or I shall handover you to police.

(Meanwhile a lady was looking at the scene very keenly)

She - please don't do so sir.(still crying)

TC grips her hand and that lady calls upon TC and asks him to leave the girl and prepare a ticket for the complete journey of that train. TC pleads that she should not waste her money on such girl but lady asks him to give the ticket so that the girl may travel and leave the train at any station she pleases.
After getting the ticket girl comes to sit with that lady and upon asking the reason for her situation she says that her mother died when she was born so her father married another woman who was cruel to her. So she ran away from home. While listening to the story the train reached bangalore(last station). The lady and girl both went out of the station. The lady sat in her car and the car started moving but when lady turned around she saw that girl still standing on the street. She had a change of heart and took that girl with her. She admitted her to a help home being run by her friend.

That girl leveraged the opportunity. She studied hard got good marks at school and admission to a reputed engineering college. Completed her degree in Computer science and got placed in a multinational company.
After few years company sent her US to work.
One fine day that lady went to US to give a lecture over management. She called for bill after a lunch at a restaurant but was surprised to hear that bill was already paid. On asking about who made the payment the receptionist pointed towards a young and beautiful couple standing at her back. Lady turned and asked them why did they pay her bill. The girl said because you once paid my mumbai to bangalore rail fare that changed my life.

That lady is Mrs. Sudha murthi wife of Infosys' chairperson Mr. Narayan murthi.

Moral- when life gives you lemons, make lemonade

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Why is reading so important...........

An old farmer lived on a farm in the mountains with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading his book. One day the grandson asked, "Grandpa! I try to read the book just like you but I don't understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon
as I close the book. What good does reading the book do?"

The grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied, "Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water."

The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house. The grandfather laughed and said, "You'll have to move a little faster next time," and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again. This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned home. Out of breath, he told his grandfather that it was impossible to carry water in a basket, and he went to get a bucket instead.  The old man said, "I don't want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water. You're just not trying hard enough," and he went out the door to watch the boy try
again. At this point, the boy knew it was impossible, but he wanted to show his grandfather that even if he ran as fast as he could, the water would leak out before he got back to the house.  The boy again dipped the basket into the river and ran hard, but when he reached his grandfather the basket was
again empty. Out of breath, he said, "See Grandpa, it's  useless!"

"So you think it is useless?" the old man said, "Look at the basket." The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the basket was different. It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket and was now clean, inside and out.

Son, that's what happens when you read the book. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you will be changed, inside and out!!!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Download the torrent file directly without application

Tired of torrents running out of seeders? No worries. You can search for direct download links using Google!

To download movies, perform a Google search as below:

    “YOUR SEARCH TERM HERE” -inurl:(htm|html|php|pls|txt) intitle:index.of “last modified” (mkv|mp4|avi)

Titanic -inurl:(htm|html|php|pls|txt) intitle:index.of “last modified” (mkv|mp4|avi)

You can use this search trick to download not just movies, but almost any file.

For instance, to download music,

    “YOUR SEARCH TERM HERE” -inurl:(htm|html|php|pls|txt) intitle:index.of “last modified” (mp3|wma|aac|flac)

Just change the file format [(mp3|wma|aac|flac) part] to your required format and you will get a search result of sites containing direct download links to your search query.

Being financially strong doesn't always means a happier life

There was a king who was always tensed. He was always worried and tensed over the future of his kingdom, his land, his wealth. He could never sleep peacefully because he was plagued with fear of losing whatever he has accumulated for the country.

Then there was this beggar whom the king fed near the temple

The king observed that this beggar has no pain in life. He never bothered about anything, He would beg for food and once he is full, he was happy and content. He went around singing songs and was free to do whatever he wants to.

The king told one of his ministers

    Look at this guy. He has nothing and yet he is so happy and free. And look at me. I am the king. I have all the wealth, power and pride but no happiness. I am Jealous of him. I want to see this guy in distress. I want to disturb his peace.

Minister said - That shall be done.

The next day the minister took 100 gold coins, wrapped it around a robe and dropped it where the beggar slept.

On discovering those gold coins, the beggar was elated. He had never seen them before. His happiness knew no bounds. But soon after, he became worried. Now he needed some sort of security. He feared the loss of coins from robbers.

The next day, he found another robe with 100 coins. He became more worried.

The next day, he traveled across the town and found a mountain, climbed it, dug a hole somewhere and buried all the coins.

He also hired a local farmer and told him to keep an eye on the mountain for suspicious activities. He promised to pay the farmer one gold coin every year.

In some time, he discovered another robe with only 99 coins in it.

Now he was angry.

He was certain that someone has stolen that one coin. He went mad, lost his temper and went to the king complaining

    "Your highness. Some guy has stolen one coin which the gods had gifted me. I demand justice"

The king smiled, his objective has now been achieved and he has successfully destroyed the beggar's mental serenity.

Moral: It is the presence of surplus money that makes life more complicated. Abundance of money comes with its own problems and destroys your peace of mind. Just observe the lifestyle of a millionaire, he is always busy with stocks, investments, bonds and he has trapped himself in the illusion that "he needs to grow his money to be happy".

That is the illusion he has created for himself and he wants to live in that illusion.

Happiness has nothing to do with abundance of wealth. It is the absence of wealth and the chase which makes life worthwhile, not abundance.

Wealth is a necessity but most of us forget the fact that the chase to accumulate wealth is never ending. You will never have enough and if you give money the power to make you happy or sad, you will always be sad.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

One Famous story about Swami Vivekananda.....

And so, the story goes that Jamshedji Nusserwanji Tata was once, travelling to Germany.

As he stood there, at the door of his First Class Cabin in the Steam-liner,
he noticed a lot of activity on the lower decks of the Ship.

On enquiring,he learnt that a great Indian Saint Shri Swami Vivekananda was on board the same ship.

Out of genuine respect and curiosity J.N. Tata decided to pay a visit to the great saint.

Swami Vivekananda had of-course heard about the respected industrialist.

As the conversation grew J.N. Tata explained that he was on his way to Germany.

 "I have with me sacks of soil : From various parts of India. I am taking these samples of soil to Germany.

I wish to know IF Iron can be extracted profitably from any of these districts."  said J.N. Tata to the Saint.

 To which Swami Vivekananda replied, "Well, Sir, Even IF these sacks contain Iron-rich soil, do you honestly believe that the Germans will tell you the TRUTH???

You must understand that No / NONE of the European Nations wish to see a Strong / Steel-Rich / Economically Independent India.The soil is probably rich in Iron-ore but the sad truth is all you will get from your enquiries across Europe is Disbelief and Pessimistic reactions." Needless to say, having interacted with several Europeans J.N. Tata knew this to be true.

Swami Vivekananda continued, "Why don't you start an excellent / up-to-date Research Facility and College here in India???

 Why don't you train some good Indian Youngsters to identify soil and conduct these tests and find ways of profitably extracting metals???

It may seem like a wasteful ; burdensome expenditure right now,

But in the long run- It will save you many trips to Europe and you can have the assurance of knowing the Truth quickly- rather than taking multiple opinions due to Doubt".

As he could clearly sense J.N. Tata's mood was in acquiescence he further elaborated,  "Seek an audience with the Maharaja of Mysore H.R.H. Wodeyar. Though a subordinate of the British,
he will definitely help you in every way he can. H.R.H. Wodeyar has been generous enough to sponsor my own trip to Chicago to attend the Parliament of Religions".

As soon as he returned to India, J.N. Tata headed straight for Mysore.

And indeed H.R.H. Chamraja Wodeyar did Not disappoint him.

The King granted 370 acres of land for the setting up of the Research Facility and College that J.N. Tata had envisioned and it was named


Soil Mechanics and Metallurgy were the First Departments to be Set-up.
A very fascinating anecdote.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Amazing facts and secrets about forests and oceans

Fact 1----
Who do you think is the most important organism on the earth?
The most important organism on earth is Algae.
More than 50 % of all the oxygen we breathe comes from algae!  Without them we would really be sucking wind, but not for long!
....Yo! What about the trees and other land  plants? Why does so much of oxygen come from Algae?
First of all, remember that the oceans cover about 71 percent of this planet and land is only about 29 percent. If we assume that  every square mile of the ocean produces as much oxygen as every square  mile of land, then this makes sense. The oceans would produce about 71  percent and the land 29 percent of the oxygen we breathe.
Phytoplankton (Fig.1) are tiny microscopic plants - algae - that form the base  of the marine food chain. Phytoplankton is most abundant in colder  waters where there is an abundance of nutrients.
Fig. 1:

Even marine seaweed is many times colonial algae. They are a bunch of single cells trying to look like a big plant (see Fig.2), but they are really individuals.
Fig. 2:

                                                   ----Fact 2----
Rainforests are the oldest living ecosystems on the planet. They cover 2  percent of the Earth's surface or 6 percent of land, and are an  important source of oxygen. They also are home to many of the Earth's  plant and animal species, but they also play a vital role in sustaining  life beyond their ecosystems as they help regulate global climate and  water cycle. Pictured below is a small section of the Brazilian  rainforest, the Earth's largest.

                                                  ----Fact 3----
The Atlantic ocean is getting bigger and the pacific ocean is getting smaller !
Twenty million years ago there was no Atlantic Ocean. But then,  thanks to plate tectonics, the South American and North American  continents were separated by a rift valley that eventually turned into  the Atlantic Ocean. The complementary shapes of the South American and  African continents have long been noticed, but it wasn't until the 1960s  that the theory of plate tectonics became accepted as the explanation.

These days, the Atlantic Ocean is growing at a rate of five  centimeters per year, as new sea floor is created by volcanic activity  along its mid-ocean ridge.

On the other hand, the much older Pacific Ocean is currently  estimated to be shrinking by two to three centimeters each year. Again,  this comes down to plate tectonics because the Pacific Ocean has  subduction zones on three sides — where the Pacific plate submerges  beneath other plates.

The Pacific's "Ring of Fire" broadly maps the areas where this  subduction occurs and accounts for around 90 per cent of the world's  earthquakes.

                                                      -----Fact 4----
More than 25 % of medicines we use originate from rainforest plants:
Yet only 1% of rainforest plants have been studied for medicinal  properties. Every second an area of rainforest the size of a football  pitch is cut down meaning every day we might lose a potential cure.

                                                    -----Fact 5----
Tallest tree of the world: It is called Hyperion-
It's a coast redwood from California that measures an incredible 115.61m tall.

While the oldest tree is Great Basin bristle-cone pine tree from the White Mountains in California.
It's  still living at an incredible 5063 years old. Old Tjikko is the oldest  single-clonal tree (meaning a new trunk is grown from original roots) at  an astonishing 9,550 years old.

                                                      ----Fact 6----
Pando, also known as The Trembling Giant is a colony of quaking aspen trees (shown below) which is assumed to be connected by single massive root systems ! So, they are believed to be about 80,000 years old.