Tuesday, August 14, 2018

SAP CPI/HCI Exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: Element name [] not found in provided XML schema file

Hi friend,

Although the solution for this error is quite simple but it took me 2 hours to get. sometime we did mistakes which look bit silly but what if do the right thing and issue is from other side, then we look for hit and trial method. So let me Explain the situation and the Error and How to solve this.

I was configuring the simple SAP CPI converter in my simple IFLOW as below

I am using simple CSV and add it in content Modifier body.

and I am using simple XSD as below for conversion

and my CSV to XML converter Configuration is as below

As it looks all good.
But!! there is an error when I run this and got Following Exception:

"Exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: Element name [] not found in provided XML schema file" it is quite strange as it looks all good. but something is missing. :( :(

But In the end I compare with other online solution with mine and see a tiny mistake which i was missing and that was XPATH i am adding in Converter.

Actually I have added "/root/row" instead of i need to add "root/row" without First Slash...


Although  solution is simple but it teach me good lesson " Newer think you know , until you do it by user-self"


Saturday, September 26, 2015

Some thing nice...

Never cancel a dinner plan by text.
If a street performer makes you stop walking, you owe them a buck.
Never change the sports club(s) you support.
You get only one chance to notice a new haircut.
When entrusted with a secret, keep it.
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
If you are staying more than one night, unpack.
Never park in front of a bar.
Expect the seat in front of you to recline, adjust accordingly.
Never lie to your Doctor.
All guns are loaded (take this both literally and metaphorically)
The best way to show thanks is to wear it.
Take a vacation from your cell-phone, TV and internet once in a while.
A handshake beats an autograph (and a selfie too :P)
If you want to know what makes you unique, sit for a caricature.
Never get a haircut or shave on the special day.
Never eat lunch at your desk, if you can avoid it.
It's never to late for an apology.
Don't pose with booze, its unbecoming.
You don't get to chose your nickname.
When you marry someone, you marry their entire family.
Under no circumstances you should ask a lady if she is pregnant/virgin. (Unless it is bound by privilege)
No one ever said that a speech was short.
Invest in great luggage.
Make time for your mother on her birthday, its her special day too.
Sympathy is a crutch, don't fake a limp.
Give credit, take blame.
Suck it up every now and then.
Don't ogle.
Stand up to the bullies, you have to do it only once.
If you have made your point, stop talking.
Admit it when you are wrong.
If you offer to help, don't quit until the job is done.
Look people in the eye when you thank them.
Thank the bus driver, waiter, trash picker, laundry guy etc.
Never answer phone calls at dinner table.
Know at least one good joke.
Know how to cook.
It's ok to go to the movies by yourself.
Dance with your mother/father.
Always thank the host.
If you don't understand, ask before its too late. (A class in its dieing minutes is exempted)
Know the size of your girlfriend/boyfriend's clothes.
Be a good listener, don't just wait for your turn to talk.
Always, carry your mother's bags.
Be patient with airport security, they are just doing their job.
Don't be a talker at the movies.
The opposite sex likes people who shower and smell good.
Learn to change the tire.
Be kind and courteous to everyone.
An hour with grandparents is a  time well spent.
Don't litter.
Never make a professional call between 9pm and 9am.
Take care of the small things and the big things will take care of themselves.
You are never too old to need your mom.
Know the words of the national anthem and important political position holders of your country.
Your dance moves may not be the best, but making a fool out of yourself is much more fun than sitting on the bench.
Smile at strangers. (don't over do it, you may creep people out)
If you HAVE to fight, punch first and punch hard.
You can chose what to do and what not to, the consequences of it, not so much in your hand.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Some random questions to ask someone you just met......

1.       Are dogs carnivores?
2.       Are my eyes pretty?
3.       Are you an alcoholic?
4.       Are you curious as to what human flesh taste like?
5.       Do tigers have knees?
6.       Do you believe in miracles?
7.       Do you know about macular degeneration?
8.       Do you know all there is to know about love?
9.       Do you like Audrey Hepburn movies?
10.   Do you like chocolate?
11.   Do you like eggs?
12.   Do you like ice cream?
13.   Do you like to write?
14.   Have you ever been attracted to your mother or father?
15.   How have things been changing in your home town?
16.   How many gallons of water do you waste when you shower?
17.   How many people would you invite to a party?
18.   How often do you answer random questions?
19.   If things were going well, how would you know?
20.   Is a tomato a fruit or vegetable?
21.   Is it normal to have a 7 inch penis?
22.   Is it true?
23.   What are your thoughts on libertarianism?
24.   What color are your eyes?
25.   What color is your skin?
26.   What colour are you thinking of?
27.   What do you do for a living?
28.   What do you get when you fall in love?
29.   What do you think about black people?
30.   What does God have to do with it?
31.   What ethnicity do you identify with?
32.   What is the last app you downloaded?
33.   What is wrong with the world today?
34.   What song would you like to sing right now?
35.   What time do you go to bed?
36.   What time is it?
37.   What would you have done differently?
38.   When is the best time?
39.   Where are you looking for answers?
40.   Where did you last go when you travelled?
41.   Which clothing would you prefer?
42.   Which product do you recommend?
43.   Who are you?
44.   Who are you?
45.   Who was jimmy carter?
46.   Why do you think the answer is lost?
47.   Why does nobody ever answer this question?
48.   Will you remember any of these questions later on?
49.   Would you have answered me if I hadn't asked?
50.   Would you live in Russia?
51.   Are you afraid of flying?
52.   Do you have any heroes? Who are they?
53.   Do you have any pets?
54.   Have you ever stolen anything?
55.   If you had a chance to spend two weeks camping in the desert by yourself, far from any civilization, would that sound fantastic or awful to you? What about if there were one other person with you? 
56.   If you had the courage to do anything you wanted, would it change the choices you make?
57.   Marriage equality, for or against?
58.   Men are pursuers; women are gatekeepers. True or false?
59.   Monogamy, yes or no?
60.   Orgy, yes or no?
61.   Parasites, horrifying or fascinating?
62.   What are you passionate about?
63.   What do you think happens to you after you die?
64.   What is a book that changed you, and how did it change you?
65.   What is the most amazing, awe-inspiring thing you've seen this week?
66.   What scares you?
67.   What would you not do for a hundred thousand dollars? A million? Ten million?
68.   What's the most amazing place you've ever traveled to?
69.   What's the most amazing sexual experience you've ever had?
70.   When was the first time your heart was broken, and how did it change you?
71.   Who do you love?
72.   Who in your life was the most influential in leading you to become the person you are today?
73.   You come home one day and your living room is filled from floor to ceiling with avocados. What do you do?
74.   You look down and see a tortoise. It's crawling toward you. You reach down and flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over. But it can't. Not without your help. But you're not helping. Why are you not helping?
75.   You wake up tomorrow in the body of the opposite sex. What do you do?

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Put a frog in a vessel of water and start heating the water.
As the temperature of the water rises, the frog is able to adjust its body temperature accordingly.
The frog keeps on adjusting with increase in temperature...
Just when the water is about to reach boiling point, the frog is not able to adjust anymore...
At that point the frog decides to jump out...
The frog tries to jump but is unable to do so, because it has lost all its strength in adjusting with the rising water t
What killed the frog?
Many of us would say the boiling water...
But the truth is what killed the frog was its own inability to decide when it had to jump out.
We all need to adjust with people and situations, but we need to be sure when we need to adjust and when we need to confront/face.
There are times when we need to face the situation and take the appropriate action...
If we allow people to exploit us physically, mentally, emotionally or financially, they will continue to do so...
We have to decide when to jump.
Let us jump while we still have the strength.

I love you...............

I Love You

No you don't. How can you? Look at me. I am a mess. I don't work. No clear goal in life. I procrastinate. Need I say more?

Why are you always so hard on yourself? And please stop complaining every time?

Why do you care?

I care because you are a hell of a guy. I love you. Don't you remember you worked your ass off till last year. Now since you have taken a break no need to feel bad about it.

But my friends and relatives do not understand that. I am sure they feel I have gone mad. Some have even given a hint that they think so.

Since when do you care? Everyone has their own speed. I am sure you will catch up. You are crawling now. Soon you will walk. I am sure you will run like anything soon before you even realise.

I guess you are right. You are my best friend. Thank you for understanding. What would I do without you?

Well I have to. I love you. More than anyone. More than anything.

And I love you too.

****A conversation I had with mirror in front of me****

Skill to love your own self. Unconditionally.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

One of the Short love story.....

She : I had a dream about us.
Me: Really. Wow. What was it about?
She: That's weird , We were dancing on a romantic track.
Me: Wow, I bet it was Salsa.
She: I don't know much about dance forms,But it was a slow romantic track and we were moving.
Me: Go ahead!
She: When we were dancing ,you lifted me up and when you were bringing me down ,you ...
Me: Did I drop you? Duh..I suck in dreams too.
She: No ,You can never do that , even in the dreams.
Me: Wow , Then?
She: When you were bringing me down and I was about to slip ,you held me tightly.
And suddenly you whispered something in my ears.
Me: Wow..What was that. I wish I could visualize the same.
She: See. Don't freak out. It was a dream and anything is possible in the dreams.
Me: I won't. Promise.
She: You whispered 'I love you'. I looked in your eyes for a while.
Me : ... then?
She:I held you tightly and said: "Why are you saying this now?It's a day before my marriage."
Me: That is a beautiful dream. I don't have words.
She: Yes. Then I hugged you tightly with my head against your chest and we continued to dance.

And then my best friend got married after few days...
and I realized on the day of her marriage how deeply I felt for her and this is not going to be the same .
As they say 'You only know you love her when you let her go.'

Source:-- Internet (someone's Heart..........)

Monday, February 23, 2015

The boy and the Starfish

A man was walking along a deserted beach at sunset. As he walked he could see a young boy in the distance, as he drew nearer he noticed that the boy kept bending down, picking something up and throwing it into the water.
Time and again he kept hurling things into the ocean.
As the man approached even closer, he was able to see that the boy was picking up starfish that had been washed up on the beach and, one at a time he was throwing them back into the water.
The man asked the boy what he was doing, the boy replied,"I am throwing these washed up starfish back into the ocean, or else they will die through lack of oxygen. "But", said the man, "You can't possibly save them all, there are thousands on this beach, and this must be happening on hundreds of beaches along the coast. You can't possibly make a difference."

The boy looked down, frowning for a moment; then bent down to pick up another starfish, smiling as he threw it back into the sea. He replied,

"I made a huge difference to that one!"